Change Your Brain

Researchers are now finding that we can change the structure and function of our brains through meditation to improve our health and wellbeing.

Here are just a few of these findings . . . Using brain imaging techniques, neuroscientists found that, after just 11 combined hours of meditation, practitioners had structural changes in the part of the brain involved in monitoring focus and self-control. A recent Harvard MRI study shows that 8 weeks of meditation decreases gray-matter density in the amygdala, which is known to play an important role in anxiety and stress.

There are thousands of new studies investigating the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.  Below I highlight some of the research and link to many of the latest studies for those who want to read more. 


It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life.”  

- Dr. Britta Hölzel, Neuroscientist, fellow Harvard Medical School


Decrease Stress

Researchers at Stanford and Harvard Universities studied individuals who participated in eight-week mindfulness-based programs and discovered structural changes in their brains corresponding to areas of the brain that regulate emotion and the stress response. Other similar studies, found that participants in such programs experienced a significant reduction in stress and anxiety, which also lowers the risk of the many stress related diseases such as heart disease.


Increase Creativity & Innovation

Research shows that mindfulness reduces our tendency to get stuck in the same thought patterns, lessening our cognitive rigidity, and allowing for greater creativity and innovative thinking.


Enhance Focus, Performance and Productivity

Mindfulness has proven to be a powerful tool in enhancing performance by increasing focus, attention and resilience. Many schools, universities, athletic teams and even corporations like Intel, Dow Chemical, Aetna, Google, Goldman Sachs and General Mills have offered mindfulness training that resulted in improved performance, resiliency, decision making and productivity.


Increase Positivity and Happiness

Studies have shown that people who trained in mindfulness experienced higher levels of positivity, life satisfaction, vitality, and adaptive emotion regulation, and lower levels of depression, anxiety and negativity.


Improves Overall Health & Wellbeing

Several studies have shown evidence that mindfulness practices can boost the immune system, benefit relationships, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve people's outlooks and increase an individual's overall happiness.

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