Keep Calm and Carry On!  Mindfulness Workshop for Teens


"Everyone tells us not to stress out,  but no one tells us how." 

"We are told to focus and pay attention, but it so so hard to do, and no one teaches us that in class."

This course helps teens develop life skills using Mindfulness tools to Reduce Stress, Manage their Emotions and Increase their Focus and Attention, so they can Perform at their Full Potential.

Teenagers deal with many stresses and competing demands on their time and attention.    They have less and less time to simply be kids, to learn and to grow at their own pace and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.  This can be overwhelming and stressful.  This course is designed to help your teen learn tools to cope with the demands of a very busy life.  We will learn and practice mindfulness exercises that help increase their ability to focus and pay attention, to calm down when feeling stressed or anxious, and to create more opportunities to enjoy simply being who they are so they can thrive.

What experts are saying about teaching Mindfulness to Adolescents:

"Research has proven that mindfulness training integrates the brain and strengthens the important executive functions that support emotional and social intelligence as well as academic success."      -  Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. & Clinical Professor, Author of Mindsight and Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Tennage Brain

"The inner reserve of mindful awareness is available to everyone, and these faculties of mind, developed with practice, have direct relevance to burgeoning self-awareness, to self regulation, and to the emotional balance that supports fully engaged learning and well being."       - Patricia Broderick, PhD, Learning to BREATHE

"Through the systematic cultivation of attention, awareness, self compassion, and kindness toward others - all capacities that adolescents already have and that can be strengthened through training - a set of fundamental and highly beneficial life skills are developed.  These skills can help teenagers navigate more effectively through a time in life that can be confusing, filled with uncertainties, and exceedingly stressful.  These skills form the basis for building successful relationships, beginning with oneself.  They can also contribute to optimizing the classroom environment and learning."

                            - Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, forward Learning to BREATHE


Scientific American CoverA growing body of scientific evidence shows that mindfulness training can be instrumental in reducing stress and its negative effects on the body.  Stress negatively affects the developing brain in regions that are involved in executive function, working memory capacity and emotional regulation.  Learning these skills gives children the tools to improve emotional self-regulation, to reduce stress, and to sustain focus and attention through fun activities and practices.  We also explore compassion and empathy as a means to better relate to to other and to better understand ourselves.

This course will meet for 45 minutes per week for five weeks.

Private Sessions and Groups are now forming.  To set up your own private session or group for your teen, please contact

What students of 2bpresent workshops are saying:

"The 2bpresent mindfulness workshop was very effective in helping my teenage son learn techniques he could use when feeling anxious. These tangible tools have enabled him to keep his mind and body calm in stressful situations, allowing him to get through them successfully where he would previously get stuck. My son was skeptical going into the class, but Cheryl relates well to teenagers - he enjoyed the class, and came back for more. "  Lisa, mother of 14 year old boy

"I took a Mindfulness course with 2b Present.  This class helped me to recognize my perfectionistic thoughts and let them go.  I enjoyed the relaxation techniques, and the teachers really knew how to connect to teens."  - S, age 12

"It made me realize that I wasn't the only one that was stressed and anxious. I felt safe and comfortable sharing and learning in a friendly environment. " - S, age 14

"The handouts were helpful so I could practice breathing exercises at home. I liked the Kid-friendly comics and diagrams that made it fun and understandable.” - J, age 12


About the Instructor . . .

Cheryl Brause  has a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan. Upon graduation from college, Cheryl worked as an investment banking analysts for Goldman Sachs. She then earned her law degree from New York University School of Law. Cheryl worked as an attorney for several years in Manhattan doing corporate litigation, white-collar crime and public interest law. She has had many roles in her life, but her most challenging and most rewarding job yet — mother of three children.  The culmination of her life experiences in the corporate world and as a busy parent led her to explore a personal yoga and meditation practice. The life-changing effect of these practices and her desire to share the amazing teachings of leaders in the field of meditation and mindfulness inspired her to co-create 2bpresent.  Cheryl has studied meditation and mindfulness under the guidance of many leaders in the field.  She is trained in Learning to BREATHE and Mindful Schools Curriculum Training.   She has completed her Level I and Level II Meditation Teacher Training from Om Yoga.   Cheryl has studied MBSR and Buddhist Psychology, as well as Neuroscience and Positive Psychology.  She has also participated in Search Inside Yourself, Google’s Mindfulness-Based Leadership training  for business leaders.   Cheryl is a motivational speaker, and teaches mindfulness and meditation privately to children, teens and adults, as well as for businesses and organizations.  She has also created and taught programs in and around New York to train executives, teachers and students in stress reduction techniques and mindfulness tools to help them thrive.


What people are saying about our classes and workshops . . .

"Every now and then you come across a class or a person who helps you to be a better person.  Cheryl offers just that.  I am a better person because of all the things that I have learned- I am a better spouse, a better mother, a better friend, a better co-worker, and actually even more compassionate with myself.  And what’s the best part?  That I got all this by simply learning how to slow down and calm down.  I will be forever grateful!

Taking the beginning meditation class is the single most important thing I have done for myself in the last decade.  I can honestly say that my family and I are all happier because of my taking this one step to learn how to be calmer and more mindful."   - Psychologist, mother and participant in Real Happiness and Mindful Living


"Cheryl's class taught me not only how to meditate, but how to incorporate mindfulness into everything that I do. Cheryl is extremely knowledgable about the practice of mindfulness and has a teaching style that is very easy to understand and accessible. It was a truly life changing experience. I can't wait for my next class!"  - MBA, mother, participant in Mindful Living


"I took Cheryl’s mindfulness class last spring and the effects have stayed with me.  The tools and techniques she showed the class were fun and easy to use and the discussion really brought everything down to a real level that can be applied.  Cheryl has a unique way of speaking about mindfulness that is very insightful and practical.  I thoroughly enjoyed the class and would highly recommend it!"   - Organizational Development Consultant, mother, participant in  Mindful Living


Create your own group:

We are also available for private group sessions.  You can organize your own group of kids for a five week session.  Minimum of six kids are needed for a private group.  Please contact us to set up your group.



We are also available to schools for classroom, lunchtime or after school programming.  Please contact us for more information.